Sudarshan Health Research and Awareness Trust

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Sudarshan Health Research and Awareness Trust!

Founded in 2015 in Mumbai by Shri Hemal Mehta and Shri Sachin Mehta, Sudarshan Health Research and Awareness Trust is a non-profit organization committed to the betterment of society and the advancement of charitable causes. Our primary goal is to contribute to the social and economic development of India through various initiatives aimed at education, medical relief, and support for the underprivileged.

Our Objectives:

  • Education Support: We strive to promote education by supporting and providing financial aid to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, hostels, boarding houses, laboratories, and other educational institutions. Additionally, we run scholarship programs to help deserving students achieve their academic aspirations.
  • Medical Relief: With a focus on healthcare, we extend our support to hospitals, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, charitable dispensaries, aftercare clinics, maternity homes, child welfare centers, orphanages, widow’s homes, and hospital boardings. Our aim is to ensure access to quality medical facilities for those in need.
  • Sports and Recreation: We recognize the importance of physical well-being and mental relaxation. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, we provide financial assistance to public parks, gardens, and other sports activity institutions that promote sports and recreational activities.
  • Support for Senior Citizens and Orphans: We believe in caring for our elders and providing a nurturing environment for orphans. Our trust offers support to senior citizens and orphanages to ensure their well-being and happiness.
  • Empowerment of People with Disabilities: We are committed to empowering people with disabilities and enabling them to lead fulfilling lives. Our trust provides financial aid and support to facilitate their integration into society.
  • Funeral Assistance: In times of grief, we extend our helping hand to poor families and deceased individuals. We assist in the disposal of bodies and also contribute to the construction, repair, and management of Marghats, Cemeteries, and Burial grounds without any discrimination based on caste, creed, or religion.
  • Publishing and Research: We aim to disseminate knowledge and awareness through publications like books, pamphlets, educational materials, and journals. Additionally, we conduct scientific, social, economic, and other research programs to address relevant issues in society.


The mission of Sudarshan Health Research and Awareness Trust is to promote and advance the health and well-being of individuals and communities through innovative research, education, and advocacy. We are dedicated to conducting groundbreaking scientific research to uncover the root causes of prevalent health challenges, and to develop effective interventions that can transform lives. By collaborating with stakeholders, healthcare professionals, and organizations, we strive to create awareness and empower individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a healthier, happier, and more resilient society.


Our vision is to be a leading and globally recognized health research and awareness organization, renowned for its exceptional contributions to improving human health and well-being. We envision a future where everyone has access to quality healthcare and is empowered with the knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle. Through our cutting-edge research, we aspire to discover innovative solutions to pressing health issues and make transformative impacts in the field of healthcare. We aim to serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring positive change, and fostering a world where health disparities are minimized, and everyone can achieve their fullest potential.


  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our endeavors, ensuring that our research and actions are guided by a strong moral compass.
  • Empathy: We demonstrate empathy and compassion towards individuals and communities, acknowledging the diverse needs and challenges they face, and striving to be sensitive to their experiences.
  • Excellence: We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our work, from research methodologies to educational programs, aiming to achieve the best possible outcomes and impacts.
  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership, working closely with experts, stakeholders, and organizations to leverage collective knowledge and resources for the greater good.
  • Innovation: We foster a culture of innovation, encouraging creative thinking and the pursuit of novel approaches to address complex health issues and drive positive change.
  • Empowerment: We empower individuals with knowledge and resources, aiming to equip them to make informed decisions about their health and advocate for their well-being.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity, ensuring that our initiatives are accessible and relevant to individuals from all walks of life.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to sustainability, ensuring that our research and awareness efforts have a lasting impact on health outcomes and the environment.
  • Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and outcomes, remaining accountable to the communities we serve, our stakeholders, and the global health community.

With this mission, vision, and set of values, Sudarshan Health Research and Awareness Trust is dedicated to creating a lasting impact in the field of health research and fostering a healthier and more informed world.



We are Proud to received several Certificates from competent Authorities. We sincerely Thanks each & every stakeholders in helping us achieving these certificates.

Also, we strive to add many more such Certificates in our kitty and give value addition to our esteemed Customers.